In mid-February, a safety project will begin on Route 460 at Commerce Drive and Leatherwood Lane in Bluefield.
BRISTOL – In mid-February, a safety project will begin on Route 460 at Commerce Drive and Leatherwood Lane in Bluefield.
The project includes the construction of offset left-turn lanes to improve sight distance at the intersection of Route 460 at Commerce Drive and Leatherwood Lane in Bluefield. It also includes the replacement of the traffic signal at each intersection and minor drainage modifications.
Offset turn lanes increase sight distance by shifting left-turning traffic closer to the oncoming traffic.
Motorists should be alert to temporary detours during construction, with the intersection of Commerce Drive and Route 460 closed first and traffic using Leatherwood Lane and College Avenue to detour. When the Commerce Drive work is complete, crews will move to Leatherwood Lane, closing that intersection and detouring traffic using Commerce Drive and College Avenue.
Also be alert to periodic single lane closures on Route 460 during construction.
The contractor for the project is Jones Road and Bridge, Abingdon, Va., and the contract is valued at $3.45 million.
VDOT held a public hearing for the project in Spring 2023.
Last updated: March 7, 2025