Daytime lane closures scheduled at two locations on Interstate 81 (Bristol/Washington County)

Two projects on Interstate 81 in Bristol and Washington County will impact traffic during daylight hours Thursday (January 11) through Monday (January 15).

BRISTOL, Va. – Two projects on Interstate 81 in Bristol and Washington County will impact traffic during daylight hours Thursday (January 11) through Monday (January 15).

 The first is an emergency bridge repair project on northbound I-81 just before exit 3 in Bristol that will close the right and middle lanes January 11 – 14.

The second is a project to shift traffic through the new work zones between I-81 exits 7 and 10 in Washington County. The daytime lane closures will take place northbound on January 13 and southbound January 14 and 15.  

 Allow extra travel time and be alert to signs and message boards through the work zones.


Last updated: March 7, 2025

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