Public engagement meeting, second virtual comment opportunity scheduled for Route 23 Corridor Study (Wise County)

Meeting planned for Dec. 4 from 4-6 p.m. at Wise Central High School

BRISTOL — The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is asking the public for a second round of input on a survey regarding the U.S. Route 23 Corridor in Norton, Wise and Wise County.

A public meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 4, from 4-6 p.m. at Wise Central High School Auditorium, located at 5000 Warrior Drive in Norton. Additionally, a survey will be available Nov. 29 through Dec. 15 at the following link:

The meeting and survey are part of a study of the corridor that began earlier this year. Elements of the study include:

  • How businesses are accessed.
  • Turn-lane improvements.
  • Traffic signal synchronization/coordination.
  • Intersection geometric improvements.
  • Pedestrian improvements.
  • Other traffic improvements that address safety and potential congestion issues.

Citizens can go online to to review the study information and to take the survey. The survey will remain open through Dec. 15, 2023.

Mail comments to Mr. Blake Ailor, Bristol District Planner, 2111 Bonham Road, Bristol, VA 24201. Or, email comments to, referencing “U.S. Route 23 Corridor Study (Wise County)” in the email subject line.

For additional information, or if you require special assistance, contact Mr. Ailor or VDOT’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623) or device for hearing impaired (TTY) at 711.

Last updated: March 7, 2025

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