Public hearing set for Route 460 Project at Commerce Drive and Leatherwood Lane in Tazewell County

A design public hearing will be held on the proposed plans to improve safety on U.S. Route 460 between Commerce Drive and Leatherwood Lane in Bluefield.

Bristol, Va. – This month, a design public hearing will be held on the proposed plans to improve safety on U.S. Route 460 between Commerce Drive and Leatherwood Lane in Bluefield. 

The open-house, drop-in format public hearing will take place Tuesday, April 25, 2023, from 4-6 p.m. at Bluefield Town Hall, 112 Huffard Drive, Bluefield, Virginia 24605.

The project includes construction of offset left-turn lanes to improve sight distance at the intersection of Route 460 at Commerce Drive and at Leatherwood Lane in Bluefield. It also includes the replacement of the traffic signal at each intersection.

Offset turn lanes increase sight distance by shifting left-turning traffic closer to the oncoming traffic.

If you are unable to attend the public hearing, the proposed project plans are available at VDOT’s Bristol District Office located at 2111 Bonham Road. For project or public hearing information, call VDOT Project Manager Ron Flanary at 276-669-6151, 800-FOR-ROAD, or TTY/TDD 711.  Please call ahead to assure the appropriate personnel are available to answer your questions. 

Public hearing documents can be reviewed online:

The deadline to submit comments is May 5, 2023. Comments may be submitted via email at Please reference “Route 460 Bluefield Public Hearing” in your email.


Last updated: March 7, 2025

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