Route 11/Rifton Drive improvement finishes, multiple Smyth County projects underway and coming soon

Projects underway include Route 11/Main Street, I-81 truck climbing lanes and Route 11/660 (Railroad Drive) roundabout

BRISTOL – The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is keeping Smyth County bustling with construction activity, with one project completed, three underway and two coming soon.

Most recently, VDOT completed a project to improve the intersection of Route 11 at Rifton Drive. The project aims to improve safety by separating Route 11 through traffic from traffic turning south onto Route 11 from Rifton Drive.

Use added caution at the intersection of Route 11 and Rifton Drive as motorists become familiar with the changes at the intersection.

Three projects are ongoing in Smyth County:

  • Construction of a truck climbing lane is underway on I-81 southbound near mile marker 34 in Smyth County, as well as a northbound truck climbing lane at mile marker 32.4 in Washington County. The projects are anticipated to improve traffic flow by providing ample space for trucks to climb the steep grades and a third lane for vehicles to pass. The truck climbing lanes, anticipated to be finished in November 2025, are funded by the Interstate 81 Corridor Improvement Program.

  • Intersection improvements are underway at downtown Marion's Main Street/Commerce Street intersection. This project includes improving the turning radius for trucks at the downtown intersection and improving pedestrian access. Be alert to changing traffic patterns and temporary delays. The project will wrap up in mid-September 2024.

  • A project is underway to build a roundabout on Route 11 at the intersection of Route 660 (Railroad Drive) in Smyth County, approximately one mile east of Oak Point Elementary School. Be alert to workers and pay close attention to signs and message boards. The project is anticipated to be completed in Summer 2025.

This Fall, VDOT plans to hold a public involvement opportunity for the replacement of the Route 660 (McMullin Bridge), where the preliminary design of the project as well as next steps will be reviewed with the public. An effort will begin this fall to select a design-build team for the project. The team will be responsible for finishing the project design and constructing the project, which is anticipated to move to construction in Spring 2026.

In November 2025, a second roundabout project on Route 11 will be advertised for bids to the construction industry.

The purpose of the project is to build a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of Routes 11 and 660 on the south side of Interstate 81 near mile marker 40.9 in Smyth County. The project will move to the right-of-way phase this fall and construction is anticipated to begin in early 2026. It will take approximately 18 months to construct the roundabout.

Roundabouts are shown to improve safety by reducing the number of points where vehicles can cross paths and eliminating the potential for right-angle and head-on crashes. Roundabouts also increase efficiency and are cost effective in the long term versus a traffic signal.

Except for the McMullin bridge project which is funded through VDOT’s State of Good Repair program and the I-81 truck climbing lanes, each project is funded through VDOT's SMART SCALE program. SMART SCALE includes an application and scoring process to evaluate the projects statewide based on key factors such as improving safety and contributing to economic development. 

Last updated: March 7, 2025

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