Three highway projects will be under construction soon in Wythe County.
BRISTOL — Three highway projects will be under construction soon in Wythe County.
A $53.6 million contract was recently awarded to Branch Civil, Inc., Roanoke Va., to construct:
Work is anticipated to begin in early February.
The I-77 exit 41 improvements and the southbound I-81 onramp extension between exits 73 and 72 are part of the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) Interstate 81 Corridor Improvement program.
The I-77 exit 41 interchange improvement project will extend the I-77 northbound deceleration lane and reconfigure and reconstruct the I-77 northbound exit 41 loop ramp and entrance ramp to realign with the current connection to Nye Road at Peppers Ferry.
The Progress Park Connector project is funded through VDOT’s SMART SCALE program.
Motorists should be alert to work along the shoulder of I-81 between exits 73 and 72 and on I-77 near exit 41, as well as the possibility of nighttime lane closures at both locations. Because the Progress Park Connector is being built on a new location, minimal disruptions are anticipated.
Last updated: March 7, 2025