SALEM – Work will start in May on a road construction project to improve traffic flow and safety by converting the intersection at Route 220 and Route 839/Route 1126 (International Parkway/Ashley Way) in Botetourt County to a restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT). Construction is anticipated to be completed in summer 2025.
Beginning May 15, drivers can expect the following traffic pattern changes at the intersection of Route 220 and International Parkway/Ashley Way:
Throughout the life of the project, drivers can expect lane closures on Route 220 and traffic pattern changes at the intersection. Starting in July, drivers who normally turn left from Ashley Way onto southbound Route 220 or turn left from International Parkway onto northbound Route 220 will have to turn right and proceed to make a U-turn using an available crossover.
An RCUT is an innovative intersection that will eliminate left turns from International Parkway and Ashley Way onto Route 220 and eliminate through movements across Route 220. Motorists who currently turn left onto Route 220 or drive straight across would make right turns onto Route 220 and proceed to make a U-turn at a pair of new U-turn locations located approximately 650 feet north and south of the intersection.
VDOT awarded the $3.5 million contract to contractor Alleghany Construction Inc. from Roanoke.
Last updated: February 24, 2025