Salem District: Adjust travel around Friday storm as snowy afternoon into evening commute is expected

Cold temperatures mean roads will become snow-covered and hazardous quickly

snow plow
snow plow on road

SALEM – Another winter storm is set to arrive in western Virginia starting on Friday, Jan. 10 with expected impacts to the afternoon into evening commute. Drivers need to plan travel around and not during the forecasted weather event. Below-freezing temperatures and cold pavement means roads will become snow-covered and slick quickly, especially on bridges and overpasses.

With residual salt on interstates and primary roads still present from the previous storm, VDOT crews and contractors will be pretreating only selected spots with brine ahead of this next round of winter weather.

VDOT reminds drivers that the first priority in any winter weather event are the interstates and primary roads (those numbered 1-599) and high-volume secondary routes. Equipment operators will be making multiple passes over these major routes and will not work on low-volume secondary roads (those numbered 600 and above) or neighborhood streets until the precipitation stops and progress is made on the main roads.

Many secondary roads in western Virginia remain icy and snow-packed from the previous storms and frigid temperatures. VDOT will be working to make roads passable, but drivers should not expect bare pavement. Temperatures will need to rise above freezing before icy road conditions are no longer affecting travel.

Travelers can get real-time information on road conditions, traffic incidents and congestion on Virginia roads by using VDOT’s 511 free mobile app or phone system or on the 511 website at, which can help travelers plan their routes accordingly.

For more updates on local conditions in our area, follow us in our Facebook Community for Salem District at or on Twitter @VaDOTSalem.

The Salem District includes the counties of Bedford, Botetourt, Carroll, Craig, Floyd, Franklin, Giles, Henry, Montgomery, Patrick, Pulaski, and Roanoke.

For questions or to report hazardous road conditions, contact VDOT’s 24-hour Customer Service Center by visiting or calling 800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623).

Last updated: February 24, 2025

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