Traffic Alert: New traffic signal to be activated at Route 220 and Fieldstone Lane in Botetourt County

Drivers should expect a new traffic pattern and use caution

SALEM — A new signal will be activated at the intersection of Route 220 and Fieldstone Lane on Thursday, Dec.14. The signal is located about 1.3 miles north of Daleville.

To alert drivers to the upcoming signal activation, it will be set to flashing yellow on Monday, Dec. 11, sometime in the late morning. The new signal will remain in flashing yellow mode for 72 hours before becoming fully operational on Thursday, Dec. 14. 

Electronic message boards are in place on Route 220 to alert drivers to the new signal and change in traffic pattern. Drivers are reminded that the speed limit in both directions on Route 220 at the signal location is 45 mph.   

Flashing advance warning beacons will be activated on southbound Route 220 prior to the signal. These lights will only flash to alert approaching drivers when they will need to stop at the red light.  

Drivers are reminded to use caution due to this new traffic pattern.

The new signal was installed by the Fieldstone developer to support traffic using the new apartment complex and future businesses. The Virginia Department of Transportation will maintain the signal.

Last updated: February 12, 2025

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