Make plans to rotate travel around solar eclipse

VDOT reminds motorists to choose safety during upcoming celestial event

Solar eclipse
Make plans to rotate travel around solar eclipse

RICHMOND – The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is reminding travelers to keep their eyes on the road during this year’s solar eclipse. Those in Virginia are positioned to see a partial solar eclipse as the moon blocks part of the sun on Monday, April 8.  

If your afternoon plans include viewing the eclipse, here are some reminders:

  • Do not pull over and park on the shoulders or ramps of highways to view or photograph the eclipse
  • Choose a safe location to stop and see the celestial event
  • After choosing a safe viewing location, be sure to exit your vehicle cautiously

If not stopping to view the event, motorists should anticipate reduced visibility and are encouraged to turn on their headlights. Drivers should not wear eclipse sunglasses while driving. There will also likely be congestion along highways as the sky darkens and even after the event as travelers return to the roads.

Last updated: February 18, 2025

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